The face is a central organ of sense and is also very central in the expression of emotion among humans and among numerous other species.
The face is crucial for human identity, and damage such as scarring or developmental deformities have effects stretching beyond those of solely physical inconvenience.
Facial plastic surgery can accomplish everything from refining the shape of the nose to lifting loose skin and eliminating fat beneath the chin for improved facial contour.
Facial plastic surgeries that are offered in our associate hospitals include:
• Dimple Surgery
• Cheek Implant Surgery
• Cheek Bone Reduction
• Chin Implant and Augmentation
• Ear Shaping
• Face Lift Surgery
• Eyelid Surgery
• Nose Surgery
• Neck Left
• Facial Implant
• Lip Reduction and Lip Augmentation
• Nasolabia Fold
You could mail your query at for an estimate and evaluation by the Specialist.